مواقع اخرى خدمات الصور الإسلامية فرق منحرفة المكتبة الصوتية
English  Francais  أهل السنة

Blessings of the Prophet

Blessings of the Prophet

It might be said:

The Dates are multiplied by the Blessings of the Prophet

During the Battle of Uhud, ^Abdullah ibn ^Amr ibnu Haram a great companion, was martyred and buried on the battle field.

^Abdullah left behind his son, Jaber ibnu ^Abdullah, a famous companion, six daughters, and some debts. One of the debts he left behind was owed to a Jew living in Madinah. The debt was 30 wisqs of dates. A wisq is a unit of measure that was used at the time and it is a large amount.

Jaber was a young boy when his father died. He wanted to repay the debt, however the dates he had were not enough. Jaber spoke to the Jew and told him this. Jaber asked the Jew to wait a while, until he could repay his father’s debt.

However, the Jew refused. Jaber went to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and told him about this situation and asked the Prophet for help in solving the problem. The Prophet said, “I will come to you around noon.” Jaber returned to his garden to wait for the Prophet.

When it was time, Jaber went with the Prophet, Abu Bakr, and Umar to talk to the Jew about the loan. When the blasphemers heard that the Prophet was coming to their village many of them gathered to ask for money that Jaber’s father owed them. They wanted it to be repaid immediately. They did this out of hatred for the Prophet, trying to cause him harm.

The blasphemers talked roughly to Jaber, may Allah raise his rank. When the Prophet saw what they were doing, he ordered Jaber to gather what little dates he had and put them in baskets according to their kind. So, Jaber put the ^Ajwah, a kind of dates that is among the best of Madinah, in one basket. He put ^Idhqu zayd, another kind of date, in a second basket and so on. Then the Prophet came and walked around the baskets while making du^a that the dates be blessed.

The Prophet walked around the largest basket three times. He sat next to it and ordered Jaber to give each person the amount that he was owed. Jaber measured the amounts and paid them to each person until all the debts had been repaid. Meanwhile, the baskets remained full. They looked as if they weren’t missing a single date. This is was a great miracle for the Prophet, peace be upon him.

When the first Jew who had originally asked for his debt found out about this he came quickly asking for his share. The dates in the baskets were 17 wisqs, but the Jew was owed 30 wisqs. The Prophet went to the palm trees in Jaber’s garden. He walked around them while making du^a for blessings. The Prophet then told Jaber to pick the dates from the trees and to give the Jew his share. Jaber and some of his friends picked the dates then repaid the Jew.

Jaber successfully repaid all what his father owed. When he looked at the baskets and the trees, he found that the dates were still the same amount as when he started to distribute them. It was as if nothing had been taken from them. Jaber and his sisters kept what was left of the dates. All this was by the blessings of the Prophet who did not leave Jaber alone in his hardship. Rather, he stood by him, helped him, and comforted him. Peace by upon Prophet Muhammad, the best of the Prophets and the best of creation.

تكثير التمر ببركة النبي

استُشْهد في معركة "أُحُد" أحد الصحابة الكرام، وهو "عبد الله بن عمرو بن حَرام" رضي الله عنه ودفن هناك، وترك ولدًا هو سيدنا "جابر بن عبد الله" وهو صحابيّ مشهور، وستَّ بنات، ودَيْنًا لبعض الأشخاص المشركين من بينهم يهوديّ كان يعيش في المدينة المنورة ويريد ثلاثين وَسْقًا من التمر لوحده، والوَسْق كمية معينة كبيرة.

كلّم "جابر" وهو بَعْدُ فتى ذلك اليهوديّ بأن ينتظر لأنَّ التمر الذي لديه قليل، والثمر الذي على النخل لا يكفي ما كان على والده من دَيْن، فأبى، فأخبر "جابر" رضي الله عنه سيدنا محمدًا صلّى الله عليه وسلّم بالأمر وطلب منه أن يعينه في حلّ هذه المشكلة، فقال النبيّ عليه السلام: "نعم، ءاتيك إن شاء الله قريبًا من نصف النهار"، فعاد "جابر" إلى بستانه ينتظر أن يحين الوقت.

ولما حان الوقت توجه "جابر"، ومعه النبي صلّى الله عليه وسلّم وصاحباه أبو بكر وعمر رضي الله عنهما، وكان أصحابُ الدَيْن المشركون قد علموا أن الرسول قادمٌ فاجتمعوا ليطالبوا "جابرًا" بكميّات التمر التي لهم، وكانوا قد رفضوا الانتظار، وأصرّوا على أن يحصلوا على ما يريدونه فورًا بسبب عداوتهم للنبيّ عليه السلام.

أغلظ أصحاب الدَيْن بكلامهم "لجابر" رضي الله عنه، فلما رأى رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم ما يصنعون، أمر "جابرًا" أن يجمع التمر القليل الذي لديه في سلال، وأن يوزعها حسب أصنافها، "فالعَجْوة" وهي من أجود تمر المدينة في جهة، و"عِذْقُ زَيْد" وهو نوع آخر في جهة ثانية، وهكذا، ثم جاء النبي عليه السلام ودار حولها ودعا بالبركة.

جلس رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم قرب أكبر السلال والتي دار حولها ثلاث مرات، وأمر "جابرًا" أن يعطي كلَّ صاحب دَيْن حصته من التمر، فجلب وعاءً وصار يكتال لهم حتى أعطاهم جميعًا، وإذا بالسلال بفضل الله تعالى ما زالت مملوءة لم تنقص تمرة واحدة، وتحقّقت معجزة باهرة لرسول الله عليه أفضل الصلاة والسلام.

ولما علم اليهوديّ بما جرى، جاء مسرعًا يطالب بحصته من الدَيْن، وكانت الكمية في السلال تُعَادل سبعة عشر وَسْقًا، واليهوديُّ يريد ثلاثين، فقام رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم وصار يدور حول نخلات بستان "جابر" ويدعو الله تعالى، ثم أمر "جابرًا" بأن يقطع ما على النخلات ويعطي اليهوديّ حصته، فصعد "جابر" وأعانه بعض أصدقائه وأنزل المحصول.

أعطى "جابر" لليهوديّ حصته، فوفّى كلّ دين أبيه، ونظر فإذا بالثمار التي أنزلها من النخلات ما زالت كما هي لم تنقص تمرة واحدة، وكذلك بقيت السلال ملأى بالتمر المبارك، واحتفظ "جابر" وأخواته بما لهم، وذلك ببركة النبيّ الأعظم صلّى الله عليه وسلّم الذي لم يترك "جابرًا" وحده في محنته، بل وقف معه يواسيه ويكرمه ويعطف عليه.

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