مواقع اخرى خدمات الصور الإسلامية فرق منحرفة المكتبة الصوتية
English  Francais  أهل السنة

Strengthening the Heart of Master Jarir

Strengthening the Heart of Master Jarir

It might be said:

Strengthening the Heart of Master Jarir

Master Jarir ibn ^Abdillah al-Bajaliyy, may Allah raise his rank, was one of the most beautiful and eloquent companions. He was so beautiful that he was called the Yusuf of this nation. (Prophet Yusuf was known for his beauty.)

One day Master Jarir took off his shirt and was only wearing the izar, the cloth which is wrapped around the lower part of the body. When Imam Umar, may Allah raise his rank, saw Master Jarir like that he told him, “Bring your shirt and put it back on.” Then he said to those who were around, “I have never seen anyone more beautiful than him (meaning among the companions) his beauty is similar to what we have heard about Prophet Yusuf.”

Once the Prophet was giving a speech in his mosque in the enlightened city of Madinah. When Master Jarir entered the session all those present looked to him. Master Jarir sat down. Then he asked a man close to him if the Prophet had mentioned something about him. The man replied, “Yes, the Prophet mentioned you in a good sense, with the best of sayings. The Prophet had said, ‘One among the best of the people of Yemen will come up from this road. His face is like that of a king’s.’” Jarir said, “Alhamdulillah, all praise is due to Allah.”

The honorable Prophet, peace be upon him, used to approve of Jarir’s intellect and his excellent management of matters. When the Prophet would receive Arab tribes and envoys, he would call Jarir to greet them. When Jarir would arrive the Prophet would seat Jarir beside him.

All the companions and the Prophet’s family respected Jarir. Imam Aliyy once said, “Jarir is among our family.” Meaning Imam Aliyy felt so strongly towards Master Jarir that he considered him to be like part of his family.

Among Master Jarir’s good traits was his clear thinking. Also he was merciful with the Muslims. Once, when Master Jarir was in the session of our Master Umar, someone passed gas. So Imam Umar said, “Let the person who did that get up and make wudu.” Master Jarir feared that man who passed gas would be embarrassed so he said, “Why don’t we all go make wudu’.” Imam Umar understood what Jarir intended from his suggestion so everyone got up to make wudu’. After that incident, Imam Umar said to Maser Jarir, “May Allah bless you. You were a good leader in the Era of Ignorance and you are a good leader in Islam.”

The Prophet, peace be upon him, found out that Master Jarir’s tribe of Bajilah, worshipped an idol they called Dhul Khalasah. They referred to that idol as the Yemeni Ka^bah. The Prophet said to Master Jarir, “Won’t you get rid of dhil khalasah.” At that Master Jarir jumped up to obey the Prophet’s command. However, he complained to the prophet that he was unable to stay mounted on the horse. Then the Prophet, peace be upon him, placed his honorable hand on Master Jarir’s head. He moved it to his face, chest, and back while saying: “Oh Allah, make him steady, calm, and guided. Oh Allah bless him and his offspring.”

After the du^a of the Prophet, Master Jarir mounted his animal, full of strength and firm in his stance. After that he did not fall off his horse at all. The Prophet made Master Jarir the leader of 300 knights: 150 were from the tribe of Ahmas, who are related to the tribe of Bajilah, and 150 from al-ansar, the supporters. The group went with Jarir to the area of Bani khath^am where that idol was placed. The blasphemers had decorated the idol and placed ostrich eggs as well as slaughtered meat by it, worshipping it.

Master Jarir and those with him destroyed the idol that was called Dhal Khalasah. They burned it until it became black like the camel whose skin is diseased. Then Master Jarir sent a messenger from the army to inform the Prophet of the good news. When the Prophet heard that the idol was destroyed he made sujud to Allah, thanking him. And the Prophet made du^a for the army with goodness. Master Jarir continued on his way to Yemen, calling the people to Islam. He fulfilled his duty completely. May Allah raise his rank.

تقوية قلب جرير بن عبد الله البَجَلي

كان سيدنا جرير بن عبد الله البَجَلي رضي الله عنه من أجمل الصحابة وجهًا ومن أكملهم حُسنًا، حتى إنّه سمي بيوسف هذه الأمّة ، وذات يوم خلع قميصه وارتدى إزارًا، والإزار ما يغطّي القسم الأسفل من الجسد، فرآهُ سيدنا عمر رضي الله عنه فقال له: خُذْ وارتدِ رداءك ، وقال لمن حوله: ما رأيت رجلاً أحسن من هذا (أي بين الصحابة) إلا ما بلغنا من صورة يوسف عليه السلام.

وفي يوم من الأيام ، كان النبيّ عليه الصلاةُ والسلام يتكلّم في مسجده في المدينة المنورة، فدخل سيدنا جرير رضي الله عنه فنظر الناس إليه جميعًا ، فسأل من يجلس قربه: هل ذكر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من أمري شيئًا ؟ فقال: نعم، ذكرك بأحسن الذكر وقال: "إنه سيدخل عليكم من هذا الفجّ (أي الطريق الواسع) من خير ذي يَمَن ، ألا وإن على وجهه مسحة مَلَكٍ"، فقال: الحمد لله.

وكان النبيّ صلى الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يَعْجَب من عقل "جرير" رضي الله عنه وحسن تدبيره، ومن ذلك أن رسول الله عليه الصلاة والسلام كانت تأتيه وفود العرب، فيبعث إلى سيدنا "جرير" ليأتيه ويستقبلهم معه، فيلبس حُلَّته ثم يجيء، فيجلسه النبيّ صلى الله عليه وسلم، وكانت الصحابة تحترمه وكذلك أهل البيت، فقد روي عن سيدنا عليّ رضي الله عنه أنّه قال : "جرير منا أهلَ البيت، ظهرًا لبطن" أي وكأنّه من قرابتنا .

ومن مآثره الحميدة أنه كان حاضر الذهن رحيمًا بأمّة النبيّ عليه الصلاة والسلام، ومنها أنه كان في مجلس لسيدنا عمر رضي الله عنه وأناس حوله، فأخرج أحدهم ريحًا فقال سيدنا عمر: أُلحّ على مَنْ فعل هذا أن يقوم ويتوضّأ ، فخشي سيدنا جرير أن يُحْرَج الرجل فقال: مُرْنا جميعًا ، ففهم سيدنا عمر مُراده وأمر بأن يقوم الجميع ليتوضأوا فقاموا، وقال بعدها عمر : يرحمك الله، نعمَ السيدُ كنت في الجاهلية، ونعم السيدُ كنت في الإسلام.

وعلم النبيّ عليه الصلاة والسلام أن قبيلة "بَجيلة" وهم قوم سيدنا "جرير" يعبدون صنمًا اسمه "ذو الخَلَصَة" ويدعونه الكعبة اليمانية، فقال له رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: ألا تريحني من "ذي الخَلَصة" ؟ فهبّ "جرير" واقفًا طائعًا ولكنه شكى إلى النبيّ أنّه لا يثبت على الخيل، فوضع الرسول عليه صلوات الله وسلامه يده الشريفة على رأس "جرير" ثم أرسلها على وجهه وصدره وظهره وهو يقول : "اللّهم ثبّته واجعله هاديًا مهديًا وبارك فيه وفي ذريته".

صعد سيدنا "جرير" دابَّتهُ بكل قوةٍ وثباتٍٍ بعد أن دعا له الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام، فما عاد يقع عن فرس أبدًا ، وجعله قائدًا على مائة وخمسين فارسًا من المسلمين من قبيلة "أحمس" وهم قرابة قبيلة "بَجيلة" ، ومعهم مثلهم من الأنصار وذهبوا فورًا إلى ناحية بني "خَثْعَم" حيث نُصِبَ ذاك الصَنم، وكان المشركون قد زيّنوه بالقلائد ويجمعون عنده بيض النعام ويذبحون الذبائح عبادةً له والعياذ بالله تعالى.

حطّم سيدنا "جرير" ومن معه ذاك الصنم المسمّى "ذا الخَلَصة" وأحرقه بالنار حتى صار كالجمل الأجرب الذي اسودّ جلده، وبعث جنوده إلى النبيّ عليه الصلاة و السلام يبشِرُهُ بالأمر ، فلمّا علم رسول الله سجد لله شكرًا ودعا لهم بالخير ، وأمّا سيدنا "جرير" فقد أكمل طريقة إلى اليمن يدعو أهلها إلى الإسلام، وقام بالمهمة خير قيام رضي الله عنه وأرضاه.

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