مواقع اخرى خدمات الصور الإسلامية فرق منحرفة المكتبة الصوتية
English  Francais  أهل السنة

The Rescuing Rabbit

The Rescuing Rabbit

It might be said:

The Rescuing Rabbit

All the animals lived happily and safely in Flower Forest. They ate from the plants in Flower Forest and drank from the water that was there. They had fun playing in the shade of the trees and in between the flowers. A white rabbit named Snow, was one of the animals who lived in and loved Flower Forest. He would always help others and was always nice to animals smaller than him.

Before long, a fierce lion ruined the safety of Flower Forest and began attacking the animals because he wanted to destroy them. They all ran away to a high place in Flower Forest and had a meeting there.

When the meeting was over the ostrich (a type of bird) said to the lion in a loud voice, “Oh lion, we agreed to send you one of us everyday so that you can eat him. This way you won’t have to go through the trouble of finding animals to eat and we won’t have to worry about you eating us. Do you agree to this plan?”

The lion felt that this was a good deal because he wouldn’t have to find his own food and so he agreed. They animals told him, “In one hour we will send you the animal who is chosen by the raffle. Meanwhile you can go rest by the river.” The lion went to the river to wait for the delicious animal that would be his supper that day.

When the animals did the raffle, Snow was the unlucky rabbit who was chosen as the lion’s supper.

All the animals were sad because they all liked Snow. But Snow had a plan to get rid of the lion and help himself and his friends.

Instead of going right away to the lion, Snow came late. When the lion saw him it was clear that Snow was very scared.

Snow said to the lion, “What would you do if I told you that on my way here with the rabbit you were supposed to eat, another lion surprised us and he took your rabbit and cursed you.” When the lion heard this he got so mad and he yelled, “Take me to this other lion right now.”

Snow took the lion to a deep well that had clear water in it. Both of them peered down the well and saw their reflection in the water.

The lion thought that the reflection he was seeing was actually another lion with the rabbit that was supposed to be his. He jumped at the other lion and as a result fell in the well and drowned.

Snow then returned to his friends and told them that the lion died. Everyone was happy and they all returned to their peaceful, fun life.

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