مواقع اخرى خدمات الصور الإسلامية فرق منحرفة المكتبة الصوتية
English  Francais  أهل السنة

Oh Allah, the One who Rescues those in Need, Rescue Me

Oh Allah, the One who Rescues those in Need, Rescue Me

It might be said:

Oh Allah, the One who Rescues those in Need, Rescue Me

The merchant rushes to the market to buy whatever he can so that he can trade with it. He has waited a long time to gather these 400 Dinars (footnote: A golden Currency used during the …..time period?), and they are all the money he owns.

It is a cold, cloudy day that foreshadows rain.

The merchant goes through the market several times, but does not find what he is looking for because the money he has is not much, and he wants to buy many things.

Finally, he finds a group of Jay birds for sale. The Jay is a bird the size of a pigeon, it is brown, has a black tail, and striped wings. It repeats words and can talk even more than the parrot.

The merchant takes his birds and returns home. He barely reaches his house, when a cold wind blows and strong rain begins to pours. All the birds die except for the smallest and weakest one. When the merchant sees this he cries, saddened by the hardship that befell him.

The trader does not lose hope or give up. Rather he starts sincerely asking Allah to lift his hardship and says, “Oh Allah, the One who answers the one in need of rescue, rescue me. Oh Allah, the One who answers the one in need of rescue, rescue me.” He continues repeating this until he falls asleep.

When day breaks and the sun rises the weather gets nicer and the small Jay stands up, fluffs his feathers and says, “Oh Allah the One who answers the one in need of rescue, rescue me.” He had heard it all night long from his owner and repeated it. That morning all the neighbors, young and old, awake to they bird’s call.

The people gather around the house looking at this small creature that memorized what his owner said. One of the princess’ servants passes by and sees the people gathered. Her curiosity overcomes her and she gets closer to see what is happening then she returns to her princesses and tells her of what she saw and heard.

The princess buys the Jay for 2000 dirhams. The trader is ecstatic. Allah answered his supplication, relieved his hardship, and compensated him for the loss of the other birds. Meanwhile, the princess and her servants are gathered around the Jay listening to him repeat what he learned from his previous owner.

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